biopellet media

NP Biopellets

Packing Size: 300ML / 500ML / 1000 ML

NP Biopellets New Fomula

Packing Size: 300ML / 500ML / 1000 ML Ligher-Tumble Easier Higher purity- Function Better Improvded formula-Effact faster Biopellet Reactor is needed

NP Biopellets XL

Packing Size: 300ML / 500ML / 1000 ML Marine Sources Biopellet XL is a extra large size of media and it can be used without biopellet reactor and can be placed into the sump directly.

black and white mixed NP pellets

Packing Size: 300ML / 500ML / 1000 ML


Packing Size: 400g / 800g